Written Work and Future Plans
Pipeline publication
I am currently working on a book that should encourage readers to notice, understand and care more for spaces in nature and, specifically, the wildflowers that occupy them.
The book will consider research highlighting the importance of nature
from both environmental and health perspectives and explore the factors, which not only enable or prevent access to wild spaces, but also have an impact on the space itself.
This exploration will include a study of plants in the school curriculum,
adult attitudes and representations in the media – to suggest an alternative way of viewing the natural world and improve the way we manage it. Above all, the book should show just how amazing plants are and why we should absolutely cherish them.
Work this year
(2024) [Weekly botany blogs via my Wild Petals and Sepals website] Page Link
(2024) [Blog with An Darach] Walking in the Field of Autism — Experiences of being nurtured by nature. Blog Link
​Recent past
(2022) [Blog with BERA] Why won’t you leave?’ The question we should
be asking nursery staff who choose to stay in the profession. Blog Link
(2021) [Thesis with the University of Leeds] Exploring the Self-Efficacy
Beliefs and Inclusive Practices of Staff Supporting Children with Autism, Speech, Language and Communication Needs in Private Day Nurseries. Thesis Link
​​​(2019) [Book with Jessica Kingsley Publishers] Simple Autism Strategies
for Home and School. Book Link​​
A local view of nature on a day when the road behind me was closed!